A Global Call to Action

On July 18, Nelson Mandela’s birthday, his humanitarian work, legacy and inspiration is celebrated around the world as “A Global Call to Action” including thousands of activities and actions all over the globe.

Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an imprint.
The Mandela Day campaign message is:
Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes.
“We would be honoured if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation,” according to a statement issued on Mr Mandela’s behalf.
To mark the first global celebration of Mandela Day on July 18, 2009, Nelson Mandela’s 91st birthday, a series of educational, art exhibit, fund-raising and volunteer events leading up to a concert at Radio City Music Hall on July 18 were organized by 46664 and the Nelson Mandela Foundation. In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly formally declared July 18 to be Mandela Day.
Tribute to Nelson Mandela
Music: Simple Minds – „Mandela Day“ –
recorded for “The Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute” concert
at London’s Wembley Stadium in 1988:
Music: Simple Minds – „Mandela Day“ –
recorded for “The Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute” concert
at London’s Wembley Stadium in 1988:
Many musicians have dedicated songs to Mandela both during or after his imprisonment and I would like to “rekindle” some of these fantastic songs and celebrations at the end of this article as a beautiful memory and inspiration for the future as well.
The following text is taken from the official Nelson Mandela Foundation website:

• Mandela Day is a global call to action for people to recognize their individual power to make an imprint. Our hope is to inspire people from every corner of the earth to embrace the values of Nelson Mandela as they seek to improve their lives through service to their communities.
• Mandela Day is an annual celebration of Nelson Mandela’s life and a global call to action for people to recognize their individual ability to make an imprint and change the world around them.
• Mandela Day has been created to inspire people from every corner of the world to embrace the values that have embodied Nelson Mandela’s life – democracy, equality, reconciliation, diversity, responsibility, respect and freedom – for these are the values of Nelson Mandela and they are his legacy to the world.
• Mandela Day aims to showcase the work of the Nelson Mandela charitable organisations (Nelson Mandela Foundation, Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, Mandela Rhodes Foundation) and raise monies to support their continuing work.
• By connecting people with ways to act on Nelson Mandela’s values, we aim to empower every individual to make an imprint on the world.
• The Mandela Day campaign message is simple: Nelson Mandela has given 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All we are asking is that everyone gives 67 minutes of their time, whether it’s supporting your chosen charity or serving your local community.
• Mandela Day is a global social movement – an umbrella idea – that does not discriminate, it’s open and lets in and embraces every organization that does good, whilst enabling people to serve their community and improve their lives.

• Mandela Day is not a holiday – it is a day for all of us to opt in and show that we can all make an impact.
The campaign that bears Mr Mandela’s Robben Island prison number, was originally launched to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
Working alongside the other Mandela organisations, it is now expanding it’s focus to champion Mr Mandela’s broader humanitarian work.
A centrepiece of 46664′s activities will be the celebration of Mandela Day each year and funds raised from Mandela Day will support the ongoing work of 46664 and the Nelson Mandela charitable organisations.
Following the success of 46664’s – 90th Birthday celebrations in London’s Hyde Park in June 2008, it was decided that there could be nothing more fitting than to celebrate Madiba’s birthday each year with a day dedicated to his life’s work and that of his charitable organisations and to ensure his legacy continues forever.
NELSON MANDELA’s 90th BIRTHDAY SPEECH at the tribute concert
in Hyde Park, London on 27 June 2008:
As Madiba said on his last ever international visit in London, June 2008: “It is time for the next generations to continue our struggle against social injustice and for the rights of humanity. It is in your hands.”
If London represented the transition then Mandela Day, New York, July 18, 2009 represented the beginning of the realization.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, born 18 July 1918 in Transkei, South Africa, served as the first president of a democratic South Africa from 1994 to 1999, and was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life in prison. Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island.

Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize and more than 60 humanitarian awards from around the world.

The number was imposed on him by the prison for over 25 years, until his release in 1990. “Prisoner 46664″ continues to be used, as a reverential title for him, and the Nelson Mandela Foundation uses as its website address.
Shortly before Joe Strummer s death, he and U2′s Bono co-wrote the song “46664″ for Mandela as part of the campaign against AIDS in Africa.
46664 is a global movement fighting against HIV/AIDS in Africa and around the globe and MUSIC is a key element of the 46664 campaign.
Mr Mandela’s life personifies the idea that one person has the power to make a difference and leave their unique imprint on the world.

Since his retirement, one of Mandela’s primary commitments has been the fight against AIDS. He gave the closing address at the XIII International AIDS Conference in 2000, in Durban, South Africa. In 2003, he had already lent his support to the 46664 AIDS fundraising campaign, named after his prison number.In July 2004, he flew to Bangkok to speak at the XV International AIDS Conference. His son, Makgatho Mandela, died of AIDS on 6 January 2005. Mandela’s AIDS activism is chronicled in Stephanie Nolen’s book, 28: Stories of AIDS in Africa.
On 29 November 2003 an event called the 46664 Concert was held at Green Point Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa. It was hosted by Mandela and its goal was to raise awareness of the spread of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
Many prominent musicians performed in concerts as part of this campaign.
Jerry Dammers, the author of Nelson Mandela, was one of the organizers.The Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute was a popular-music concert and broadcast to 67 countries and an audience of 600 million.
It was also referred to as Freedomfest, Free Nelson Mandela Concert and Mandela Day.
Although the aim of the day was to raise consciousness about South Africa and Mandela, the event also made a profit of $5 million. One half went to the AAM (Anti Apartheid Movement) to cover its costs, including a protest march the following day; and one half to seven charities named by Archbishop Huddleston on condition that none of the money went towards the purchase of armaments.
The seven charities were: Oxfam, Christian Aid, War on Want, Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, Save the Children, Bishop Ambrose Reeves Trust and the International Defence and Aid Fund.
With the charities in mind, a company, Freedom Productions, was set up to which the artists rights were assigned.
Rights in the event are held by Tribute Inspirations Limited.
And the world celebrates Mandela Day
in the spirit of a GLOBAL CALL to ACTION!

“Where there is poverty and sickness,
where human beings are being oppressed,
there is more work to be done.
Our work is for freedom for all.
After 90 years of life,
it is time for new hands to lift the burdens.
It is in your hands now.”
(Nelson Mandela, Hyde Park, London, June 2008)